Happy Meditating!
- Begin the day with meditation: a daily morning meditation sets the energy for the day.
- Be the observer of yourself: your thoughts words and actions. Become aware of and identify with this “observer.”
- Ground: Be aware of a connection between your body (at your 1st chakra) and the center of the Earth. Validate your grounding throughout the day.
- Throughout the day, say “Hello” with your awareness, to That Which Gives.
- Be forgiving, especially of yourself.
- Be compassionate.
- Notice your body, how you are holding it, where there is tension etc. Say “Hello” with your awareness. Give any tension or “holding” a gentle, kind, compassionate Hello. Breathe and release.
- Practice seeing God in everyone: beyond all appearances, see the Light of Oneness in everyone and everything.
- Laugh often every day, even and especially when there doesn’t seem to be a reason.
- Give yourself a psychic shower before you go to sleep each night and or each morning.