Lyrics Essence

Please click on the song below for the full lyrics of each song.


I Am the essence of the Stars
Shining through the Light in my eyes
Glowing with every cell of my being
I Am the essence of the Stars

I Am the freedom so real
tangible you can touch me and feel
with my strength, trust and calm acceptance
and my willingness to surrender
I surrender in Beauty….

And you are the essence of the stars
shining through the light in your eyes
glowing with every cell of your being
you are the essence of the stars

yes You are the nectar so sweet
caring and compassionate One
who walks gently showing the way
with forgiveness and surrender
You surrender in Beauty…..

And we are the essence of the stars
shining through the light in our eyes
glowing with every cell of our Being
We are the essence of the stars

And we are the nectar so sweet
caring and compassionate ones
who walk gently showing the way
with forgiveness and surrender

Yes we are the Freedom so real
tangible you can taste it and feel
with our strength trust and calm acceptance
and our willingness to surrender
We surrender in Beauty….

lyrics by Jean Roorda
© 2003

by Jean Roorda
© 2007