ForgivenessGratitudeMorning Meditations

Welcoming Return

posted by jean June 1, 2016 0 comments

Gratitude spills beautifully from our heart and life

like an elegant fountain of marble, fairies and mist

when we recognize our True Self.

Joy is the pervasive reality

and Laughter opens the curtain.

Radiant children, oozing Life, point the way.

Forgiveness frees us when we crash into our ego.

Home is where Together is cherished and Presence is cultivated

even when the tail-chasing world of old school economy and politics

has us in busy hamster wheel mode.


Be with the children.

Be with each other.

Be with your Self.


Love your flaws:

send them encouraging letters, and good jokes.

Be happy with what your inner critic won’t stop nagging you about.

Give that shit a hug.

And a kiss.

Open yourself to ordinary amusement.

(Laugh at the sky)

Delight in the freedom of your Mind.

Own it.

Choose your thoughts.  And question them.  All.

Give yourself a break, an endless vacation, from anything that doesn’t serve your purpose.

Love every part of yourself, what’s whole and what appears fractured.

You can never be broken.

But you can try to convince yourself of failure.

Your worth is inherent though,


and unquestionable.

All confusion comes from forgetting this

or trying to destroy the indistructible.

Find solace in the depth of God’s Love.

Find Truth in the depth of your Being.

Find Love in the Heart of Wholeness.


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